Configuration Basics

Smash configuration, like smash libraries and executables, are stored in ~/.smash. The main configuration file is ~/.smash/etc/ If your editor is configured, you can open the main configuration file at any time from typing ed_config inside of smash.

Inheriting existing shell configuration

By default smash will try to honor existing bash aliases and functions. If you do not want your bash aliases migrated into Smash, ensure the load_bash_aliases settings is False.

    Smash.load_bash_aliases = False

If you do not want to be able to run legacy bash functions from your shell, ensure the load_bash_functions setting is False. Note that only bash functions mentioned in your profile, .bashrc, etc will be loaded. (Loading bash functions from arbitrary files that you source is issue #15)

    Smash.load_bash_functions = False

Inheriting existing IPython configuration

If you are already using IPython and want to load aspects of existing profile configuration, add something like this to ~/.smash/

    load_subconfig('', profile='default')

Editor configuration

There are several reasons that it can be useful to let smash know about your editor. Here are a few:

The editor configuration file (~/.smash/etc/editor.json) should have the following format, otherwise the json validator will complain:


If this file does not exist, it will be created for you with default values. Note that invocation lines may include flags, for instance emacsclient -n or nano --softwrap --quiet is fine.

Alias configuration

In smash aliases are essentially the same as ipython or bash aliases, except that these aliases are potentially project specific. The alias configuration file (~/.smash/etc/aliases.json) will be created if it does not exist, and should have a format similar to the following example, or else the json validator will complain.

{ "__smash__":
    [ ["bunzip"," bunzip2"],
      ["l", "ls -la --color"],
    [ ["go", "start-daemon&"],
      ["stop", "kill -KILL `cat`"]
    [ ["go", "sudo /etc/init.d/mongo start"],
      ["stop", "sudo /etc/init.d/mongo stop"],

The aliases mentioned in the __smash__ section are global and always-on, so this is most likely where you want to put your default aliases. The aliases mentioned in "my_first_project" and "other_project" would only be activated when that project was activated. See the project manager documentation for a more in-depth explanation of projects.