
Goulash contains several utility scripts which you may find useful.

Project helpers & Boilerplate generators

Under the goulash/data directory of the source root, goulash contains boilerplate for various parts of python projects. You can browse the source here, or you can use the commands in the table below to install the boilerplate in place.

Command Description
goulash boiler --docs $src_root Create documentation boilerplate in directory src_root
goulash project -b $pkg_root Bump the version number in source code at pkg_root. (Useful for build automation, etc)

Documentation helpers

Goulash can help with documentation, and it builds clean, static documentation similar to the page you are looking at now. By default it combines epydoc (for API documentation) and mkdocs (for markdown-based static pages).

Command Description
goulash-docs --boilerplate $doc_root Same as goulash-boiler --docs doc_root
goulash-docs --refresh doc_root Refresh and rebuild documentation in directory doc_root
goulash-docs --show doc_root Rebuild documentation, launch server, open in webbrowser

Simple HTTP fileserver

Command Description
goulash serve Instantiates a simple multithreaded directory-indexing HTTP server for the working directory
goulash serve --port 8080 Same as goulash serve but specifies the port
goulash serve --port 8080 /tmp Same as goulash serve but specifies the port and root directory